The responsibility is not over once you designed and developed a web page. Running an online business means try to know important aspects of a web page by which you can gain more more profit.
Guide the visitors to the point where you want them
An English readers eye goes from left to right and top to bottom. Which means initially their focus will be on top and left part of your web page.
Content Placement- Usually visitor are always in a hurry mood, they scan through the pages for a short moment so it is always recommended that place important and valuable things on top left part so that it will enhance them to continue.
Body Formatting – Include pictures, bold text, headings, subheading and videos to make a region for visitors to look at your web page.
Make the text to look comfortable, including spacing of lines, font size, dazzling colors and small paragraphs.
Hot Spots- One of the other aspects is to redirect the focus to a call to action button. Search and implement an appealable string or eye-catching object where a user is more likely to click than other.
Follow the Standards- Don,t try to implement some thing unusual for example if the navigation bar will be placed at the right hand side most of the user will confused and may reject your page so try to be professional, make your page according to the standard, simple and user friendly
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